
Once in a Blue MoonI have been very absent from Twitter and from this blog lately. My education buddies might be wondering what happened to me. My reading buddies have seen me more often on my book blog. I have been retreating into some very fine reading lately. If you are looking for a good book, I have several to recommend.

The school year is winding down. We have two weeks before final exams. After that, graduation. Four former students came by to visit this week, and it was wonderful to see them. I am so proud of my students. They are doing such wonderful things.

Next year, as I move into the position of Technology Integration Specialist, some things will change for me. I will be teaching two English classes, but my primary responsibility will be in technology. The more I think about it, the more right it feels for me to do this. It seems like a case of the the circumstances lining up just right—I decided to pursue a master’s in tech and finished just as my school decided to focus on integrating technology more. I have had some weird, complicated feelings about the move. One would think that such a positive change wouldn’t introduce any sort of conflicted emotions, but I did wonder if I was making the right move for myself. I think I am making the right move for my school. I think trying to sort out how I feel about all of it has contributed to my silence online lately. Even though it is a good change, it is still a major change. Please be patient with me and my quiet little blog while I’m figuring it all out.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Kuzeytac

10 thoughts on “Reflection”

  1. I too, had similar thoughts when moving into this type of role (also as a teacher of English) at the beginning of this year. My reflections were largely around the question that was I, as an English teacher who actively embraced and explored the use of technology in her classroom, leaving the very environment that had made me a candidate for the role.

    I still have 4 English classes so the shift has not been absolute, yet I do find that I am consistently reflecting on making sure that I keep the balance correct and do justice to each role. It is the question of the large vs small impact I can have on students.

    Definitely no answers but I do understand your musings. All the best – Jeanette

    1. Thanks Jeanette. How do you have time to do more with tech if you are teaching four English classes? Our full-time load is four-five. I couldn't do anything else with tech if I taught four classes. You must be Superwoman!

    1. Jan, I just finished Madame Tussaud: A Novel of the French Revolution by Michelle Moran, and I truly enjoyed it. Another recent read I recommend highly is Caleb's Crossing by Geraldine Brooks. Depending on what you are interested in and what you read, you might also like Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly, which is my favorite read of the year so far. It's a great YA book. Another I liked a lot because I love the Romantic poets was Passion by Jude Morgan.

  2. That you consider this a difficult move in the first place is the important thing. Balancing the needs of your staff in the integration role and the needs of your students as a teacher is a tension veterans have the responsibility of facing for the sake of the institutions in which we work.

    Your devotion to the field is an inspiration and your humanity in sharing these thoughts only deepens my understanding of some of the challenges I intend on facing later in my career. Thank you for your tireless work.

    Also, I know you're a devotee of UbD: have you seen the Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units yet? It will blow your mind. What were the other recommendations you alluded to in your post?



    1. Adam, thanks for the book recommendation. I hadn't seen that. The books I was referring to are some recent fiction reads of mine. See my reply to Jan. Also, thanks for your kind words.

  3. I can relate to the conflict. The opportunity to have grand tech adventures seems completely intoxicating!

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