Power Moby-Dick, the Online Annotation
Online annotated full edition of Herman Melville’s classic novel, Moby Dick.
Stanford research shows long-run benefit of English instruction
Stanford research shows long-run benefit of English instruction http://t.co/3p0cg2uyBg
We teach kids TO annotate, but do we help them lea
We teach kids TO annotate, but do we help them learn WHEN to annotate? This list is fr a S learning WHEN. http://t.co/oTjSjQTFtN
What makes a hero? – Matthew Winkler | TED-Ed
Exploring the hero’s journey with TED-Ed’s What makes a hero? http://t.co/Zp2HAEuzyZ
Revision activities to do with killer quotations – Resources – TES
Help students to pick out killer quotations from the texts they are studying. http://t.co/6xnffZ5vzw
Temple Grandin On Why The World Needs All Kinds Of Minds | WGBH News
Temple Grandin On Why The World Needs All Kinds Of Minds http://t.co/Ao9nChVuc3 via @wgbhnews http://t.co/mv8gCVJKIu
How to Teach a Novel: How Could “They” Let This Happen?
Teaching the Holocaust? Help students understand how “they” could let this happen http://t.co/vz8dKaV3vv #holocaust #history #ela