
Lisa Huff has created a wiki called Learners4Life where those of us interested in exploring Write Beside Them (which I mentioned in my last post) can gather, discuss, question, journal, interact, respond, and all the other million things you can do with a wiki. In order to join up, all you have to do is

  1. Pick up a copy of the book. My order is being shipped Monday, according to Amazon, but your mileage may vary.
  2. Join us over the wiki, and follow Lisa’s directions there.

That’s it! I like love it that Lisa set it up so that we can use the wiki to discuss future books.

3 thoughts on “Learners4Life”

  1. I'm leaving for the IRA conference in the morning. If I don't pick it up while I'm there, I'll order it when I get back. 🙂

  2. Jen, my suggestion would be to wait until the school year is over. I know I'm swamped right now. I don't have my book yet either, and Amazon doesn't know when they'll ship it at this point. I'll make a note on the wiki.

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